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13yo girl present

13yo girl present

     13 is a difficult age in the life of both the girl and her parents. At this time, she is growing up and beginning to feel more like a grownup, wants to assert herself and is not always ready to obey adults. It is particularly important to spend more time with your daughter or granddaughter in their adolescence, not scolding her, but rather talking and playing together. We have made a list of gifts that would be a great option for any occasion.

Birthday gift ideas for girls

     When you are picking out a gift for your 13 year old girl, you want her to like it and see that her parents share in her hobbies and are ready to support her. Let's list some great gift ideas for girls of that age:

  • A makeup set for teenagers.
  • Wireless headphones.
  • Tickets to a concert of her favorite artist.
  • A set of stylish jewelry.
  • Funny original clothes – for example, a jumpsuit.
  • A camera.
  • A photo session in an original setting.

     And if you want to spend more time together as a family, we suggest purchasing some board games. They are not just fun, but also educational for your 13 year old. For example, you can gift her a jigsaw puzzle made of natural wood. You can solve the puzzles together with your daughter and spend some quality time together, strengthening your family bond.

Features of our puzzles

     We offer puzzles that are fully made of natural wood. The boxes they are packed in are also made of wood, so the present for your 13 year old will look very original. There are several series in our collection, including:

  • Puzzles that make up intricate images of animals and birds.
  • World maps made of valuable wood species. Once assembled, they can be used as exclusive wall panels.
  • Themed series of 3D-puzzles about sports, stars, technology, and holidays – each with kits suitable for teenagers.

     Spend time with your teen, and this difficult period in the life of your family will quickly and painlessly come to an end.


You can choose the size
of the puzzle.
You can choose the size of the puzzle.
$36.39 $69.99 318 pcs hard
Lovely Tiger
You can choose the size
of the puzzle.
You can choose the size of the puzzle.
$19.75 $37.99 104 pcs simple
You can choose the size
of the puzzle.
You can choose the size of the puzzle.
$25.95 99 pcs simple

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